English Additional Language/Dialect  |  English Second Language  |  English Language Learners


Walk-the-Talk Teaching is a site for you, the teacher of bilingual and multilingual students. It supports schools in implementing effective bilingual/biliteracy and English-additional language/dialect (EAL/D) teaching practices for learners with home languages other than English. These learners are also known as English-Second-Language (ESL) learners or, in the USA/Canada, English-Language-Learners (ELLs).

Walk-the-Talk Teaching, with associated professional development and resources, provides:

  • information about pedagogies for teaching English, teaching about English and teaching through English to speakers of other languages
  • ongoing mentoring for teachers of EAL/D students.

Advice and professional learning and mentoring support are available for:

  • the development of school language/curriculum policies for EAL/D teaching
  • teaching EAL/D students in mainstream contexts
  • the implementation of bi/multilingual instructional modes and pedagogies
  • the inclusion of students' home language in teaching practice in all contexts


Professional Development programs and mentoring for teachers in planning for, teaching, assessing and monitoring EAL/D learning are available for teachers of EAL/D students.