English Additional Language/Dialect  |  English Second Language  |  English Language Learners

What is Walking Talking Texts?

Walking Talking Texts is a specialist pedagogy for teaching English as an Additional Language/Dialect using a rich written source of literary quality, and one that  models Standard Australian English. 

Spoken and Written English are explicitly taught through the activities and exercises. Without developing a spoken facility with the new language, students from oral cultures or those who have not yet learned literacy practices, will only ever learn to 'perform' literacy practices, that is 'bark at print'. Students who are aready literate will demonstrate literacy behaviours in the new language, however, engagement in and through the additional language is only possible when a person can listen and speak to express thoughts, to comprehend others' intentions, knowledge and information provided, with the ability to contribute to the communicative processes needed for social and academic progress.

The Introduction to Walking Talking Texts explains the crucial role of oral SCAFFOLDING of new language for learners as an explicit practice for teachers.